Frequently asked questions
If you change your mind about your purchase, you can safely return it within 14 days of the item being delivered to you. We do not charge any restocking fees.
The return process is straightforward: just contact our team at customercare@storiesofitaly.com and they will guide and assist you step by step.
Once the return process has been explained, you will have to contact the courier to schedule the pickup of the merchandise you are returning.
Please remember that we can not accept returns on products that have been customized especially for you.
You can ship the product back in its original packaging, with our courier. In case you choose to use a different courier, the return shipping and import duties (if any) will be sustained by the customer.
Once the products reach our warehouse and are confirmed to be in the same state they were initially shipped, we will issue a refund to your original payment method within 5 business days (depending on the payment method).
For further information please check our Refund Policy.
How do I pay?
We accept all major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Maestro) and PayPal. Bank transfer is also available.
Once you order is complete, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with the details of your order. In the account section of the site, you will always find a summary of your order history.
How does shipping work?
We ship in more than 50 countries around the world: you can select your shipping destination during checkout. Orders are shipped from Italy, directly from our warehouse in Milan. They are safely and securely delivered to your home with DHL carriers. All shipments are insured for the whole value of the product. This will guarantee your order reaches you in perfect conditions.
If you have specific shipping questions or if you have special shipping needs, Stories of Italy team is always available at customercare@storiesofitaly.com
What about shipping time?
Shipping times are clearly displayed at checkout.
How much is shipping?
Shipping costs are included for orders over the amount stated on each product page.
If you have specific shipping questions or if you have special shipping needs, Stories of Italy team is always available at customercare@storiesofitaly.com
What about products avaibility?
Most of the products you see online are ready to ship. Others will be crafted specifically for you. The preparation time will be clearly stated at checkout.
How do I clean marble?
Do not use vinegar, lemon juice or other cleaners containing acid, including bleach.
Avoiding acidic solutions’ coming into contact with marble applies to cleaning products as well. Warm, sudsy water and a non-abrasive sponge or cloth is the best method for cleaning.
For specific care instructions on other materials please look at the product details table for each product.
How do I clean Murano glass?
Clean/wash the Murano glass object with slightly warm water. You can wash it with a neutral soap if necessary. Do not use ammonia or any harsh chemicals.
High temperatures, high pressure water and aggressive detergents can damage the surface of glass producing an irreversible patchy, cloudy or milky effect.
Do not wash two pieces together as they may get scratched or damaged in the process.
Make sure that the object is completely dry after cleaning: water could leave spots on the object.
For specific care instructions on other materials please look at the product details table for each product.
Our team will be happy to answer all your questions, just write to: customercare@storiesofitaly.com